Queensland Government staff must not receive gifts that could affect their ability to be impartial at work. All staff must report any gifts they receive.

If a gift is worth at least $150, we publish them in this register. We publish reports every 3 months.

2022 Register

No gifts or benefits received.

2021 Register

December 2021

Winton Hospital staff received payment towards a Christmas Party with a value of $500 from Julie Mann and her brother. The gift was retained by the employees.

Reasons for accepting or giving (what is the benefit to the Queensland community):

  • Payment towards a Christmas party to be enjoyed by the staff.

August 2021

Barcaldine Home and Community Care received 5 IGA vouchers with a value of $500 from the Barcaldine Show Society. The gift was received by the agency and donated to charity.

Reasons for accepting or giving (what is the benefit to the Queensland community):

  • Gift received and donated as resources to support Social Support Group and Social Support Individual Services through COVID ISO packs to consumers who have not been able to attend activities at the centre.

Last updated: March 2023